新加坡已成为世界上第一个对 Covid-19 尸体进行尸检(验尸)的国家。经过彻底调查,发现 Covid-19 并不作为病毒存在,而是一种暴露于辐射并凝固血液导致人类死亡的细菌。
已经发现,Covid-19病会导致血液凝固,这会导致人体血液凝结并导致静脉血凝结,使人呼吸困难,因为大脑、心脏和肺部无法获得氧气,导致人们 快死。

为了找出呼吸能量不足的原因,新加坡的医生没有按照世卫组织的程序,而是对 COVID-19 进行了尸检。医生仔细检查后打开手、腿等身体部位,发现血管扩张,充满血块,阻碍了血流,减少了氧气的流动。在体内,它会导致患者死亡。得知这项研究后,新加坡卫生部立即更改了 Covid-19 治疗计划,并为其阳性患者服用了阿司匹林。我开始服用 100 毫克和 Imromac。结果,患者开始康复,他们的健康状况开始好转。新加坡卫生部一天内疏散了14,000多名患者并将他们送回家。
经过一段时间的科学发现,新加坡医生解释了治疗方法,称这种疾病是全球性的伎俩,“无非是血块(blood clots)和治疗方法。
据其他新加坡科学家称,永远不需要呼吸机和重症监护室 (ICU)。此效果的协议已在新加坡宣布

与您的家人、邻居、熟人、朋友和同事分享这些信息,让他们摆脱对 Covid-19 的恐惧,并意识到它不是病毒,而是只会暴露于辐射的细菌。只有免疫力非常低的人才应该小心。这种辐射还会引起炎症和缺氧。受害者应服用 Asprin-100mg 和 Apronik 或 Paracetamol 650mg。


Singapore has become the first country in the world to conduct an autopsy (post-mortem) on Covid-19 corpses. After a thorough investigation, it was discovered that Covid-19 does not exist as a virus, but a bacterium that is exposed to radiation and coagulates blood to cause human death.
It has been found that Covid-19 disease can cause blood clotting, which can cause human blood to clot and cause venous blood to clot, making it difficult for people to breathe because the brain, heart and lungs cannot get oxygen, causing people to die.

In order to find out the reason for the lack of breathing energy, doctors in Singapore did not follow the WHO procedures, but performed an autopsy for COVID-19. After a careful examination, the doctor opened the hands, legs and other body parts and found that the blood vessels were dilated and filled with blood clots, obstructing the blood flow and reducing the flow of oxygen. In the body, it can cause the death of the patient. Upon learning of this study, the Singapore Ministry of Health immediately changed the Covid-19 treatment plan and took aspirin for its positive patients. I started taking 100 mg and Imromac. As a result, the patients began to recover and their health began to improve. The Ministry of Health of Singapore evacuated more than 14,000 patients in one day and sent them home.
After a period of scientific discovery, Singaporean doctors explained the treatment method, calling the disease a global trick, "it is nothing more than blood clots and treatment methods."
Antibiotic tablets
Anti-inflammatory and
Take anticoagulant (aspirin).
This shows that the disease is treatable.
According to other Singaporean scientists, a ventilator and an intensive care unit (ICU) will never be needed. The agreement for this effect has been announced in Singapore

Share this information with your family, neighbors, acquaintances, friends, and colleagues to get them out of fear of Covid-19 and realize that it is not a virus, but bacteria that are only exposed to radiation. Only people with very low immunity should be careful. This radiation can also cause inflammation and hypoxia. The victim should take Asprin-100mg and Apronik or Paracetamol 650mg.

Source: Ministry of Health, Singapore🚨

Singapura menjadi negara pertama di dunia yang melakukan otopsi (post-mortem) pada jenazah Covid-19. Setelah penyelidikan menyeluruh, ditemukan bahwa Covid-19 tidak ada sebagai virus, tetapi bakteri yang melakukan otopsi (post-mortem) pada jenazah Covid-19.
Telah ditemukan penyakit Covid-19 dapat menyebabkan pembekuan darah, yang dapat menyebabkan darah manusia menggumpal dan menyebabkan darah vena menggumpal, sehingga menyulitkan orang untuk bernafas karena otak, jant me, menehdan balokpat.

Untuk mengetahui penyebab kekurangan energi pernapasan, dokter di Singapura tidak mengikuti prosedur WHO tetapi melakukan otopsi untuk COVID-19. Setelah pemeriksaan yang cermat, dokter membuka tangan, kaki danh membuka tangan, kaki danah membuka tangan, kaki danah membuka tangan, darah men, darah, membuka, tangan, darah, men, darah, membuka, tangan, darah, men, dah, membuka, la dan mengurangi aliran oksigen. Di dalam tubuh, dapat menyebabkan kematian pasien. Mengetahui penelitian ini, Kementerian Kesehatan Singapura langsung mengubah rencana pengobatan Covid-19 dan mengonsumsi aspirin untuk pasien pasien posit posit ment laimendan si aspirin untuk pasien si aspirin untuk pasien 100 mg lai mendan kannya. mulai membaik. Kementerian Kesehatan Singapura mengevakuasi lebih dari 14.000 pasien dalam satu hari dan memulangkan mereka.
Setelah periode penemuan ilmiah, dokter Singapura menjelaskan metode pengobatan, menyebut penyakit ini sebagai trik global, "tidak lebih dari pembekuan darah dan metode pengobatan."
Tablet antibiotik
Anti inflamasi dan
Minum antikoagulan (aspirin).
Ini menunjukkan bahwa penyakit ini dapat diobati.
Menurut ilmuwan Singapura lainnya, ventilator dan unit perawatan intensif (ICU) tidak akan pernah dibutuhkan. Perjanjian untuk efek ini telah diumumkan di Singapura

Bagikan informasi ini kepada keluarga, tetangga, kenalan, teman, dan kolega Anda agar mereka terhindar dari ketakutan akan Covid-19 dan menyadari bahwa bukan virus, melainkan bakteri yang hanya terpaparan radiasi. Hanangya orang reatiber ha-yang hanya terpapar radih. Radiasi ini juga
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There is 1 fact-checking reply to the message
Ann mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Ann

1. 根據中國法醫學雜誌,世界上首度對covid-19死亡患者的驗屍,發生於2020年1月的中國。

2. 新加坡衛生局表示,covid-19是由冠狀病毒所引起。醫學專家、世界衛生組織及諸多全球衛生機構均表示,Covid-19是由病毒引起的,而不是由細菌引起的。

3. 抗生素並不能治癒covid-19,只能防止細菌合併感染。


Facebook posts share false claim that Singapore conducted the world's first Covid-19 autopsy

Fact Check: Singapore has not changed Covid treatment protocols challenging WHO findings


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