*Please remember what these few organs are afraid of?*
Kidney: Afraid to stay up all night.
Stomach: Afraid of the cold food.
Lung: Afraid of smoke.
Liver: Afraid of fatty stuff.
Heart: Afraid of salty food.
Pancreas: Afraid of binge eating.
Intestinal: Afraid of eating seafood indiscriminately.
Eyes: Afraid of mobile phones and computers screens.
Gallbladder: Afraid of not eating breakfast.
So please take real good care of yourself!
🍀Because spare parts may not fit.
🍀They are very expensive and not necessarily in stock.
Past 31 days
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There is 1 fact-checking reply to the message
Lin mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Lin


養生謠言肆虐微信圈不可全信 養生秘籍暗含隱性廣告

養生謠言肆虐微信圈不可全信 養生秘籍暗含隱性廣告

28歲的楊雪(化名)熱衷刷朋友圈,最關注養生知識:聽說檸檬水能抗癌減肥,她就去買當下最火的、價格不便宜的檸檬杯;聽說微波爐輻射會致癌,她又將剛買不到一星期的微波爐束之高閣;聽說死於酸性、活在鹼性,原本「肉食動物」的她刻意減少吃肉多吃蔬菜……連日來,記者調查發現,本來是熟人之間交流工具的微信,正被一些營銷公司用作營銷和盈利的工具,在此基礎上誕生的醫學謠言不斷翻新,偽科學混入真醫學,讓人真假難辨。 對


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