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Automated analysis from AI
The following is the AI's preliminary analysis of this message, which we hope will provide you with some ideas before it is fact-checked by a human.
1. 投票時間倒數4天請大家支持,每天記得投票,週週抽出萬元旅遊金:此訊息呼籲閱聽人投票支持武陵農場,並承諾有抽獎活動,閱聽人應該注意此類訊息是否真實可靠,以免被騙。 2. 訊息中提到「武陵山水情四季皆風采」參加「臺灣觀光亮點獎」:閱聽人應該注意此訊息是否為廣告宣傳,以及「臺灣觀光亮點獎」是否為官方活動,以免被誤導。
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