ㄧ位在前線對疫苗了解的資深醫療博士 Dr. Ryan Cole演說,對所有在下面聽講的醫生講解有關 刺突蛋白(棘蛋白)是個甚麼. 會有甚麼副作用.... (為什麼我們要注射一個有毒物質到身體)
Past 31 days
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There is 1 fact-checking reply to the message
Lin mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Lin
假的,Dr.Ryan Cole 關於新冠疫情疫苗的陰謀論已被查證為錯誤,棘蛋白並非有毒物質。"There is no evidence to indicate that the spike proteins generated by human cells following vaccination are a toxin or that they circulate in the body and damage tissues" 目前為止並無科學證據指出 COVID-19 在人體體內產生了刺突蛋白疫苗有毒或損害人體器官。mRNA疫苗會將能製造新冠病毒表面棘狀蛋白的mRNA送至人體細胞,並製造棘狀蛋白,藉此驅動免疫系統攻擊與記憶此類病毒蛋白,產生對新冠病毒的免疫力。



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