(No No No)轉傳]

(Supreme Pizza)(I Don't Know?)建議大家,7/25以前把家中需要的物品買足,7/26-7/30儘量不要外出,因為7/28大學指考,有四萬多考生(還不含家長)在外面活動,前幾天還要去看考場熟悉路線,會是一次很大的群體移動活動。(footprints)(OMG)
7/30-8月中則要儘量低度外出,避開指考群聚的危險期。(ambulance)(happy pirate flag)

(syringe)祝您防疫成功! 闔家安康吉祥 !(looking right)
Past 31 days
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There is 1 fact-checking reply to the message
Lin mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Lin



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