Dear Sir,

This is a request for an emergency leave on behalf of Steve Nguyen military identity number (UN/US ARMY 009/16770/UNAMIL) Yemen. I humbly request to purchase for his replacement officer who will replace him during his absence from duty.

I would be most grateful as soon as possible, I look forward to a positive reply.

Sincerest thanks,
Past 31 days
Total Visit: 0
There is 1 fact-checking reply to the message
NX mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by NX


阿姨又是你! 1天3次想匯款給「戰地醫生情人」(台視)

阿姨又是你! 1天3次想匯款給「戰地醫生情人」-台視新聞

苗栗縣一名年約60歲的陳姓婦人,透過網路認識自稱是聯合國醫生的男網友,深信對方因生病急需用錢,婦人竟然一天之內連續3次想要匯款50萬元給對方,儘管每次都被員警及時阻止,她仍悻悻然離去,讓員警擔心婦人可能會再度被騙!勸不聽!婦稱「不會匯錢」 2H後又被行員通報「大概妳這種狀況、這個年紀的女生,會碰到的詐騙手法就是這種。」竹南分局員警苦口婆心地勸60歲的陳姓婦人,千萬不要隨便匯錢給網路上剛認識的男子,

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