《 疫苗快報/8.31.2021:

美國疾管局(CDC)主任承認,打過疫苗的人,隨著時間的增加,感染新冠病毒的狀況正在惡化中…… 》



根據美國CDC的統計,自2020年12月14日至2021年8月13日,提報到「美國疫苗不良反應通報系統」的不良反應共595,700起,其中猝死者共13,068人。[註:不過,這是美國公衛官僚系統竄改真實數據之後,所發佈的大外宣。真相為何呢? 據哈佛大學去年一項研究,真實數據約為大外宣數據的100倍,另據席連科醫師(Dr. Zelenko)較保守的估計,美國因打了疫苗而猝死的人數應有43萬5,600人之譜- 平均每月死亡人數多達48,400人。]


* 人們打了疫苗後發生足以致命的「抗體依賴的增強效應」(ADE),愈來愈頻見,一如席連科醫師等世界級免疫、傳染病專家先前所預測。讀者諸君,倘你被大藥廠、大媒體詐欺而打了一劑進口疫苗,請勿再被騙打第二次,同時,請務必傾聽專家的良心建議:您得立即每天補充Z-配方保命!【 ●♡ 我們獨家提供國人Dr. Zelenko配方-套組,由 (槲皮素+維他命C) x 3瓶+鋅 x 1瓶組成。我們也提供國人專案優惠價5,900元/組- 節省920元。[註:每天服用本套組內的槲皮素、維他命C三餐後各1粒、礦物質鋅每日1粒,典型足敷3個月使用,適合所有人。打過疫苗者、及糖胖症、心臟病患者、癌症患者尤其需要。] 】,


( 英文原版/8.30.2021刊出) Tens of thousands of adverse reactions and 的death following COVID shot reported to VAERS, and CDC director admits vaccinated individuals having “worsening infections over time”

In a recent press interview, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitted that people who have had the COVID shot could experience “worsening infections over time.”  Walensky does not offer any insight into whether this trend, currently observed in countries like Israel, could be related to antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).  ADE happens when antibodies generated during an immune response to an immunization recognize and bind to a pathogen but cannot prevent infection and could actually increase the severity of symptoms if a person does become infected.

Instead, Walensky and other CDC officials use this “worsening infections” trend as a call to get the booster shot into the arms of jabbed people 8 months after their second dose.

And yet, reports of adverse health reactions and deaths following COVID shots continue to roll in.  According to the CDC, over 595,700 adverse events have been reported to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) since December 14, 2020 (as of August 13, 2021), including 13,068 deaths.

There’s no doubt, based on the evidence, this whole situation is going to get much worse before it gets better.  Do your own research and never forget the importance of a nurturing a strong immune system.

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Lin mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Lin
假的,學理上,疫苗可能有造成抗體依賴性增強(antibody-dependent enhancement,ADE)的風險,但科學家在研發mRNA疫苗時有特別注意,避開可能會誘發ADE現象的病毒基因序列。



錯誤 新冠後遺症影片?引發ADE效應


【報告將隨時更新 2021/7/14 版】 一、專家指出,新冠疫苗並未有磁性材料。 二、專家指出,目前並未觀察到接種新冠疫苗有抗體依賴性增強(ADE)效應。 三、物理學者分析,湯匙能貼附在手臂上有多種可能原因,但都不是因為身體產生磁性。 因此,傳言為「錯誤」訊息。 【查核聲明】資訊若有更新,本報告亦會同步更新。



網傳「長新冠背後的秘密」的影片及訊息,內容聲稱長新冠後遺症,是因為施打疫苗引起的抗體依賴增強作用(ADE),並稱現有疫苗是非中和抗體,mRNA 疫苗在血管內遊走,反而引發血栓;因為藥廠和媒體都掌握在先鋒及貝萊德兩大基金集團手裡,所以都看不到疫苗負面的新聞。經查證,網傳影片引用的文章,是在說明感染新冠


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