Chinese get onboard first !!!!
Yesterday 3,000 people were trapped at Kansai International Airport, the China consulate in Osaka arranged 15 buses to transport Chinese citizens away from the airport. It also distributed food. When departing the airport, Japanese and people from other countries were still lining up and you could not see where the queue led. Please praise for the strength of our mother country. P.S. We ran into a few Taiwanese fellows who asked if they could get on the bus. We all said yes. If you identify yourself as Chinese, you can get on the bus and follow the mother country.

“是中国人就上车!” 大使馆的一句话让他们翻脸了

文|铁血军事明明无数次发誓再也不管那个“小兄弟”。 但是当危机来临时,还是会忍不住会展开庇翼的双手。 这大概就叫做骨肉亲情。 1、不出意料,“小兄弟”再次反咬! 这两天,受台风“飞燕”影响,整个日本都成为了一片泽国。 滔天的海浪似乎要将日本列岛吞噬,在一片岌岌可危下,赴日旅游的国人不得已只好纷纷返回国内! 但似乎日本舍不得这群“客人”。 9月4日下午1时,一艘停泊在大阪湾的全长89米、重1591吨
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There is 1 fact-checking reply to the message
Lin mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Lin
Japanese airport authorities arranged evacuation buses for all stranded passengers, regardless of nationality. Japanese authorities rejected a request by the Chinese consulate to send their own buses.
If Japan allows private vehicles to enter the airport on Sept. 5, the airport would be very chaotic and no one would be about to get out. It would affect the evacuation work. That’s why Japan had forbidden vehicles to enter, all people in the airport had to take airport buses or turbo ship to leave the airport and go to Rinku or Osaka harbor.


TAIWAN: What Really Happened During the Kansai Airport Evacuation? - The News Lens International Edition

By Oiwan Lam Taiwanese diplomat Su Chii-cherng (蘇啟誠) died by suicide on Sept. 14, 2018, while stationed in Osaka, Japan. According to NHK (Japan's national broadcasting station), the 61-year-old dip

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