Miss. Li Yi Hua

You have a parcel from Henry Wei

Delivery Address: 1st Floor, No. 17-5, Lane 110, Lane 112, Jiji 1st Road, Anle District, Keelung City, Taiwan
Postal code : 20445

Your parcel and consignment have arrived.

Use only Internet explorer on your computer: www.hubxpress.tk

Parcel number: HCS71532547

An electronic copy of the identification card should be sent by the Receiver to our agent by mail.

you are required to pay 2150.5 USD (NT$65,377) for Taiwan postage charges. After that, an electronic receipt of payment will be issued to you immediately.

Your delivery time is at 17:30 GMT(+7) on Saturday As indicated to quick payment.

We plead to our customers to stay safe during this COVID19 pandemic. Contact or reply our agent for account details and payment procedure.

Thank you for using Hubxpress courier service

Contact Jason Yu on whatsapp For further information and inquiries.
+1 (773) 788-3938

Or email us
[email protected]

Hubxpress Courier Service

Our Specialities Automated Tracking keep a close eye on your cargo with our Automated Tracking International We pride on being the only indigenous logistics provider that has the

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The following is the AI's preliminary analysis of this message, which we hope will provide you with some ideas before it is fact-checked by a human.
這則訊息有以下需要特別留意的地方: 1. 寄件人和收件人的姓名都不明確,只有一個Henry Wei和一個Miss. Li Yi Hua,這可能是詐騙郵件的一個特徵。 2. 訊息中提到要使用Internet Explorer瀏覽器,這是不合理的,因為現在大多數人都使用其他瀏覽器,而且Internet Explorer已經停止更新和支援。 3. 訊息中提到需要支付2150.5美元的郵費,這是一筆相當高的費用,而且收件人並不清楚為什麼需要支付這麼多錢。 4. 訊息中提到需要發送收件人的身份證電子副本,這是不合理的,因為這樣做可能會導致身份盜用和其他安全問題。 因此,閱聽人需要注意這些地方,以避免成為詐騙的受害者。如果有任何疑問,應該直接聯繫快遞公司或其他官方渠道進行查證。
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