Rowland Height 市府發給市民的通知,

加州州長為接觸過感染病毒者的遊民而設的 project Roomkey 租了多處飯店收容他們。位於 60號公路旁 Fairway Dr 的 Quality Inn 是其中之一, 收容Pasadena 至Pomona 範圍內有接觸過確診者的遊民,提醒民衆勿入。
Past 31 days
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Ann mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Ann
Project Roomkey中,合作的旅館並非要收容「接觸過感染病毒者的遊民」,而是以隔離住房協助收容屬於「醫療弱勢群體」的無家者,並為他們提供定期健康檢查,使避難所人口減少、保持社交距離,以保護公眾健康。


堵破口 加州送街友住飯店隔離

【武漢肺炎】擔心15萬街友成防疫破口 加州砸45億租旅館和拖車安置武漢肺炎-擔心15萬街友成防疫破口-加州砸45億租旅館和拖車安置-103500425.html

At Newly Converted Motel, Governor Newsom Launches Project Roomkey: A First-in-the-Nation Initiative to Secure Hotel & Motel Rooms to Protect Homeless Individuals from COVID-19

Project Roomkey將加州飯店、汽車旅館轉換為隔離客房,以保護無家可歸者免受COVID-19侵害 Project Roomkey converts hotel and motel rooms in California to protect homeless from COVID-19

洛杉磯開始大規模計劃,在疫情期間將無家可歸的居民轉移到飯店 Los Angeles Embarks on Massive Effort to Move Homeless Residents Into Hotels Amid Coronavirus

堵破口 加州送街友住飯店隔離 - 國際

隨著新冠肺炎疫情繼續在美國蔓延,露宿街頭的流浪漢不但容易感染病毒,還可能成為移動的傳染源。加州打算準備1.5萬間飯店和汽車旅館房間,協助他們入住隔離。 加州州長紐森3日宣布,加州的目標是提供1.5萬間飯店和汽車旅館客房,幫助安置最脆弱的遊民。他說,藉由幫助最弱勢的遊民離開街頭,進入隔離狀態,可以減緩新冠病毒在加州無家可歸人群中傳播,降低感染人數,保護重要的衛生保健資源。 在聯邦

At Newly Converted Motel, Governor Newsom Launches Project Roomkey: A First-in-the-Nation Initiative to Secure Hotel & Motel Rooms to Protect Homeless Individuals from COVID-19 | California Governor

State is securing thousands of isolation rooms in hotels and motels for extremely vulnerable individuals experiencing homelessness to help flatten the curve & preserve hospital capacity California is

Los Angeles Launches Massive Effort to Get Homeless Into Hotels

(LOS ANGELES) — Los Angeles has embarked on a massive and unprecedented effort to bring thousands of homeless people off the streets and into hotels to protect the most vulnerable residents as the cor

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