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There are 2 fact-checking replies to the message
Lin mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Lin
美國在疫情中採取的「量化寬鬆政策」(QE)並不是真的「印(實體)鈔票」,而是透過美聯儲為其成員銀行的存款增加信貸,來增加貨幣流動性。 當時美元的現金流通量僅約1.7兆美元,美國不可能印製幾兆的美金。


Camille Kuo mark this message contains true information
originally written by Camille Kuo
CHAT GPT 無法提供2020通膨資訊, 有夠無用

The United States M1 money supply is said to have risen by 55%% since February this year. In other words, 35% of all the circulating US dollar bills have been released into the economy in just ten months.



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