Russian propaganda show simulates nuclear missile strike in London
Hosts on Channel One's 60 Minutes programme announced the cities of London, Paris and Berlin could be hit within 200 seconds of nuclear missiles being launched.
Hosts on Channel One's 60 Minutes programme announced the cities of London, Paris and Berlin could be hit within 200 seconds of nuclear missiles being launched.
英國《每日郵報》(Daily Mail)4月30日報導,俄羅斯鷹派議員在國營電視台的節目中,宣稱若以新型RS-28「薩爾馬特」(Sarmat,北約代號SS-X-30)洲際彈道飛彈(ICBM)發動攻擊,柏林、巴黎和倫敦將分別在106秒、200
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