永遠不要錯失傳遞善意的機會,一個簡單的故事就能感動人! 讚!!


My Christmas Eve #簡單的故事就能感動人 一位退休的公路警察,太太過世多年,小孩也有各自的生活。過去在耶誕夜,這團圓的日子裡,他往往需要服勤,讓他的太太一個人擔起家裡的大小事。 在這一個人的耶誕夜裡,他回想著過去...... 某年耶誕夜,他處理一起交通事故,一位單親媽媽在大雪中翻車,當場身亡;他找到了這位媽媽所住的車屋,應門的是一位大約4歲的小女孩(蘇•麥凱),帶著稚氣又高

Past 31 days
Total Visit: 1
There are 2 fact-checking replies to the message
Lopez mark this message contains true information
originally written by Lopez
1. 本片朗誦詩的是著名美國退休警員 Bob Welsh 的長詩/敘述詩 “MY CHRISTMAS EVE”. 這是他本人親自朗誦本詩詞。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxjZB5S_g7s
2. 根據 Bob Welsh 的網站,《Some of Bob's poems are based on TRUE EVENTS, but with the places or names changed for privacy, or based on two or three true events, compiled into one succinct poem such as ‘MY CHRISTMAS EVE’ or ‘Thanks’.》 https://www.bobwelsh.com/



Bob Welsh - My Christmas Eve

To find out more about Bob Welsh and to order CDs and books or to book Bob for a speaking engagement please visit http://www.bobwelsh.com/shop.htm Drawing from a lifetime of experiences that includ


Bob Welsh Storyteller

"If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten." ~Rudyard Kipling


Bob Welsh Storyteller

"If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten." ~Rudyard Kipling


Bob Welsh - My Christmas Eve

To find out more about Bob Welsh and to order CDs and books or to book Bob for a speaking engagement please visit http://www.bobwelsh.com/shop.htm Drawing from a lifetime of experiences that includ

Lin mark this message invalid request
originally written by Lin

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