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No response has been written yet. It is recommended to maintain a healthy skepticism towards it.
Automated analysis from ChatGPT
The following is the AI's preliminary analysis of this message, which we hope will provide you with some ideas before it is fact-checked by a human.
閱聽人需要注意以下幾點: 1. 訊息的來源不明確,並未說明是中華郵政公司官方發送的,因此可能存在詐騙風險。 2. 訊息要求閱聽人在5分鐘內輸入驗證碼,這種緊迫感可能會讓閱聽人感到焦慮,進而忽略訊息的真偽性。 3. 訊息中提到的「更新職業別之身分驗證碼」並不是常見的身分驗證方式,因此需要閱聽人特別留意是否存在詐騙風險。 綜合以上幾點,閱聽人需要謹慎對待這則訊息,確認其真偽性後再進行相應的操作。
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