演出知名的電視劇《豆豆秀》的豆豆先生- Rowan Atkinson,也許你我都知道他會搞笑,也具有相當便於辨識的長相。但是你知道嗎? 他可是英國最高學府牛津大學電子工程學碩士,堂堂一個電機碩士,卻演了一輩子的傻子。而且這個"傻子",捐給非洲難民的錢已經超過3億美元,可說是"全球捐助慈善事業金額最高藝人。
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Rosalind mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Rosalind



Rowan Atkinson - Wikipedia

Rowan Sebastian Atkinson CBE (born 6 January 1955) is an English actor, comedian and screenwriter best known for his work on the sitcoms Blackadder and Mr. Bean. Atkinson first came to prominence in t


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