*2021台新女子路跑* 和台北霞海城隍廟合作
於1/9(六)下午至廟前擲筊, *連續三聖杯即可獲得免費名額(不限組別)*

*現場報名就送精美好禮* ,還有城隍廟提供的限量贈品


*`時間 : 1/9(六) 14:15-14:30`*
*`地點 : 台北霞海城隍廟(台北市大同區迪化街一段61號)`*
Past 31 days
Total Visit: 0
There are 2 fact-checking replies to the message
Hsin mark this message invalid request
originally written by Hsin
風秤子 mark this message invalid request
originally written by 風秤子
There are 1 reply deleted by its author.

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