
大家別再爭論了,#美國權威醫學期刊 最新結論來了!


不過,國際上久負盛名的醫學權威期刊美國《骨科與運動物理治療雜誌》(Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy,JOSPT)在剛出爐的2017年6月這一期上,給這個爭議的話題畫上了一個句號。


專家研究了11萬人的情況後 ...

建議 ...

Past 31 days
Total Visit: 3
There is 1 fact-checking reply to the message
Haku mark this message contains true information
originally written by Haku


JOSPT-Running and Osteoarthritis: Does Recreational or Competitive Running Increase the Risk? (英)

Running and Osteoarthritis: Does Recreational or Competitive Running Increase the Risk?

You may have heard the phrase “exercise is medicine.” That's because exercise, like running, is good for overall health and, specifically, our hearts, lungs, muscles, bones, and brains. Running can al


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