

「睡前吃一個蘋果,醫生就會丟飯碗」這句話出現在1866年2月出版的《備忘和查詢》中,這個有一些誇張的的諺語一直被引用近150年。      表述雖有些絕對,但蘋果確實是一種「全方位的健康水果」、「水果界的全科醫生」!它有著能夠讓醫生看著都驚訝的功效。   ?   為什麼醫生最「恨」蘋果?      為什麼醫生最恨蘋果?因為蘋果的功效實在太多了,如果每個人都養成每日一蘋果的習慣,那醫院

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There are 2 fact-checking replies to the message
Best for Babies mark this message contains personal perspective
originally written by Best for Babies
Eat your Apple in the morning add it to your morning smoothie snack on it during your lunchtime or before going to bed if you are a big fan of chips you are trying to eat healthy consider making apple chips they are healthy and tasty and they make a great snack for your kids

Opinion Sources

Michelle Yi-chen Wang mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Michelle Yi-chen Wang


First recorded in the 1860s, the proverb originated in Wales, and was particularly prevalent in Pembrokeshire. The first English version of the saying was "Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread." The current phrasing ("An apple a day keeps the doctor away") was first used in print in 1922.[1][2]


每日一蘋果 降低慢性病風險 - 台灣醒報 Awakening News Networks

年過50歲的民眾每天吃一顆蘋果,可以達到降低心血管疾病死亡風險的效果,一天吃一顆蘋果,可以減少8千多人死於中風或心臟疾病。(photo by olle svensson on Flickr- used under Creative Commons license) 【台灣醒報記者莊瑞萌綜合報導】「一天一蘋果,醫生遠離我」的古諺,在最新研究中又再度獲得證實。英國牛津大學研究發現,50歲以上民眾每


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