

世界首富比爾蓋茲是怎麼教小孩的呢?讓我們來看看吧!近日在一個訪談上,他表示自己的兒子到了14歲才給他一支智慧型手機,但還是會限製一天可以用多久。而且連吃飯的時候都不可以玩手機!他說:「我們很常會設定一個時間讓他們不可以『開螢幕』,這樣可以幫他們在比較合理的時間睡覺。」 比爾蓋茲跟太太Melinda有三個孩子,分別是20歲的Jennifer、17歲的Roy、14歲的Phoebe。很難想像這

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Lin mark this message contains true information
originally written by Lin
Gates said:“We often set a time after which there is no screen time and in their case that helps them get to sleep at a reasonable hour,”and didn’t even give his kids access to cell phones until they turned 14. And even then, using cell phones while the family was having dinner was expressly prohibited.


Bill Gates didn't let kids have phones until age 14

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