

@ WERIUH9832U4892U8EWU...
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Dear Purchaser,
Order Date: 05-09-2024
Charge: $472.71
Your Account has been charged with $472.71 and will be going to deduct
from your account within 24 hours. If you did not recognize this transaction
or want to cancel please reach our Customer Help Center: +1 (808) 649-4086
Billed To :
Customer Id Number: SRY32YY38Y7Y
Invoice Number: SEIUR329U393
Purchase Date :- 05,Sep,2024
Product Name
Product Amount Product Code
360 Life Lock
Order ID
If you didn't authorize this charge, You have 24 Hrs. To cancel & get an instant refund
of your BTC Purchase, Please contact our customer care: +1 (808) 649-4086
Customer Care: Here to Help with Your Queries
Digitally Yours Customer Support: +1 (808) 649-4086
Past 31 days
Total Visit: 13
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這則訊息需要特別注意以下幾個地方: 1. 未知寄件者:訊息中並未提及寄件者的名稱或公司資訊,這可能意味著訊息的真實性存疑。 2. 要求立即行動:訊息中強調要在24小時內取消交易或聯絡客服,這種緊迫感可能是詐騙手法之一。 3. 資訊不完整:訊息中提到的產品名稱、訂單編號等資訊並不清楚,缺乏具體細節可能是詐騙訊息的特徵之一。 4. 使用BTC進行退款:訊息提到使用比特幣進行退款,這種要求可能是詐騙行為的潛在跡象之一。 綜合以上幾點,這則訊息可能是一封詐騙郵件,閱聽人應該保持警惕,不要隨意回覆或提供個人資訊。若有疑慮,建議直接聯絡相關機構核實。
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