One day passed on 1/13
Taiwan remains unchanged
The winner did not win
The loser doesn’t win either
The loser loses power
The winner loses Taiwan
There will be no difference in future outcomes
Taiwan is like a big tree rotten from the roots
No matter who becomes the gardener
This tree will fall down
Everyone is reviewing
Everyone is in emotion
Really not needed
Self-examination behind closed doors is just self-comfort
Election results except Taiwan
The surrounding countries are happy
Because everyone is sure
Taiwan is no longer a competitive competitor
In the future, Taiwan's national defense economy, science and technology will face a huge impact
In addition to the inflation index
Others may be KO'd
The DPP government’s troubled days are not far away
The quality of a country’s voters determines its future
The DPP has successfully brainwashed the younger generation over the years.
Let young people in Taiwan only have ears and no brains
I only hear the sweet words of the DPP
But never think about the poison in the sugar coating
An ancient saying goes: You will not survive if you do something wrong.
Clearly there is a way to survive in Taiwan
But he just pushed himself towards death
What a fuss!
You really don’t have to think too much
Those who truly love Taiwan
You can start loving yourself
Taiwan’s future is not something we can decide
The future is war and peace
Leave it to the younger generation
Since they make a choice
They must pay the price for their choice
Wait until the day the truth comes out
Maybe they even lost the chance to choose!
Past 31 days
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這則訊息中有幾個地方需要特別留意或懷疑: 1. 主觀立場:這則訊息明顯帶有強烈的主觀立場,對於台灣政府和選舉結果持有負面評價。閱聽人應該意識到這種主觀立場可能會影響訊息的客觀性。 2. 缺乏具體事實支持:訊息中提到了一些關於台灣未來的預測,但並未提供具體的事實來支持這些預測。閱聽人應該保持懷疑的態度,並尋找更多可靠的資訊來驗證這些預測。 3. 語言情緒化:訊息中使用了一些情緒化的詞語和詞句,如「大樹腐爛」、「腦洗年輕一代」等。這種情緒化的語言可能會影響閱聽人的判斷力,因此需要保持冷靜並專注於訊息的內容。 4. 缺乏來源和證據:訊息中沒有提供任何來源或證據來支持其觀點和預測。閱聽人應該要求更多的資訊來源,以確保訊息的可信度。 總之,閱聽人應該保持批判性思考,不僅僅接受訊息的表面內容,而是尋找更多的資訊和證據來形成自己的判斷。
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