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I have an amazing exercise that you will want to liberally sprinkle around your life because the benefits are tremendous for relatively little effort.
All right, so the exercise is soleus push-offs, which is
when seated, lift your heels. That's it. It's super simple. Just lift your heels, right? Anytime that you're sitting down,
doctor's office, in a meeting, working at your desk, traveling, all these kind of things,
we lead a sedentary lifestyle, you end up seated a lot. Lift the heels. There you go. Now, the benefits for this, tremendous benefits.
The study out of the University of Houston, published in iScience recently, tells us that this simple exercise, this one right here,
helps to boost your metabolism and regulate your blood glucose levels. Uh-huh.
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Asdfgh mark this message contains personal perspective
originally written by Asdfgh

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