There are 2 fact-checking replies to the message
Asdfgh mark this message contains true information
originally written by Asdfgh
這是幫你查謠言跟詐騙的聊天機器人,真的假的 是目前資料最多的查核機器人,謠言問起來、詐騙說掰掰。有事實查核機器人、查核平台、謠言瀏覽網站,跟教你開發機器人的教學,資訊公開透明。


Cofacts - Connecting facts and instant messages

Cofacts is a collaborative system connecting instant messages and fact-check reports or different opinions together. It’s a grass-root effort fighting mis/disinformation in Taiwan.
要麵麵不要辣辣 mark this message invalid request
originally written by 要麵麵不要辣辣
這是真的假的聊天機器人 LINE 官方帳號頁面連結,訊息與謠言查證無關。

The content above by Cofacts message reporting chatbot and crowd-sourced fact-checking community is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0), the community name and the provenance link for each item shall be fully cited for further reproduction or redistribution.

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