Please pray Urgent prayer request. "Pray for the Church in lndia. 20 churches were burnt down last night. And tonight, want to destroy, more than 200 churches in "Olisabang province". They want to kill 200 missionaries within the next 24 hours. All Christians are hiding in villages.... Pray for them and send this message to all Christians you know Worldwide. Ask God to have mercy on our brothers and sisters in India. "When you receive this message, please urgently send it to other people. Please pray for the 22 Christian Missionary families sentenced to be executed. Pls PASS this as fast as u can so that many will pray!!!
請為印度代禱 轉給更多人代禱
今晚還要燒掉二百多間在澳尼沙班這個省的教會 並要在二十四小時內殺害二百多位傳道人宣教士
請盡快傳出去 更多守望代求
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