High Security Notice:
Please be aware that there is a group of people going door to door pretending to be Internal Affairs employees. They have documents and letterhead from the Ministry of Home Affairs and claim they need to verify that everyone has a valid ID for the upcoming census.
They steal houses. They are everywhere and look stylish. Someone will come to your house and say *I want to take your photo/fingerprint according to some scheme*.
They have a laptop, a biometric machine and a list of all the names.
They show the menu and ask for all this information. Please note that there is no such initiative by the government.
Please know that all of this is fake. Don't give them any information. Everyone needs to be vigilant and *aware!
Send this to all your community groups.

Please inform your family and friends.
Past 31 days
Total Visit: 0
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這則訊息中需要特別留意的地方有幾點: 1. 訊息提到有一群人假冒內政部門的工作人員,聲稱要進行人口普查前的身分證驗證,但實際上是偷竊房屋。閱聽人需要注意這樣的描述是否合理,是否有官方消息來證實這樣的事件。 2. 訊息中提到這些人會攜帶筆記型電腦、生物辨識機器和名單,要求提供個人資訊。閱聽人需要懷疑這些詳細描述是否真實,是否有證據來源。 3. 訊息呼籲閱聽人不要提供任何資訊,並要求將訊息轉發給社區群組。閱聽人需要思考,這樣的訊息是否有來自官方的證實,以及是否有其他可靠來源來支持這樣的警告。 總之,閱聽人在接收這樣的訊息時,應該保持懷疑態度,並儘量確認訊息的真實性和可信度,避免因為誤解或不實訊息而引發不必要的恐慌或誤導。
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