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If you don't get vaccinated, you're anti-social.
This is what the Dutch Prime Minister and Health Minister told us.
You don't get vaccinated just for yourself, but also for others.
You do it for all of society. That's what I said.
Today, this turned out to be complete nonsense.
In a Covid hearing in the European Parliament, one of the Pfizer directors just admitted to me,
At the time of introduction, the vaccine had never been tested on stopping the transmission of the virus.
This removes the entire legal basis for the Covid passport,
the Covid passport that led to massive institutional discrimination
as people lost access to essential parts of society.
I find this to be shocking, even criminal.
Please watch the video until the end.
For you, Mrs. Smolle, I have the following question, which I want a clear answer to.
Yes or no? And I'm looking forward to it. Thank you very much.
Regarding the question around, did we know about stopping humanisation before it entered the market?
No. We had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market.
This is scandalous. Millions of people worldwide felt forced to get vaccinated
because of the myth that you do it for others.
Now this turned out to be a cheap lie.
This should be exposed. Please share this video.
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There is 1 fact-checking reply to the message
Ann mark this message contains personal perspective
originally written by Ann
影片中主講人為歐洲議會議員Rob Roos,其主張含有部分具誤導性,因為疫苗臨床測試的用意,本來就只在於確認預防疾病與重症的功效,而非「阻止傳播」,FDA2020年12月通過疫苗授權時,也早已確實表明目前沒有防止人際傳播的疫苗數據。

1. 輝瑞國際市場總裁Janine Small確實表示,疫苗上市前未研究其是否能阻止病毒傳播,但埃默里大學疫苗中心副主任Walter Orenstein博士表示,「傳播」是複雜的衡量指標,輝瑞在臨床試驗期間沒有研究疫苗對傳播的影響並非特例。

2. 輝瑞本來就沒有聲稱病毒能阻止傳播。美國FDA於2020年12月11日通過疫苗授權的新聞稿,也明白表示「目前,沒有數據可以確定疫苗將提供多長時間的保護,也沒有證據表明該疫苗可防止SARS-CoV-2在人與人之間傳播。」

3. 費城兒童醫院疫苗教育中心主任Paul Offit指出:「當你接種疫苗,將明顯降低你被感染的機率,因此也會降低你將其傳播給他人的機會」,雖不能保證消除所有的傳播,但疫苗上市後的研究確實發現,輝瑞疫苗有助於減少alpha和delta變種的傳播。

Opinion Sources

Posts mislead on Pfizer COVID vaccine’s impact on transmission

politifact: Pfizer executive “admits” vaccine was never tested for preventing transmission.

Effect of Covid-19 Vaccination on Transmission of Alpha and Delta Variants
https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa2116597#:~:text=Conclusions,only partially explained decreased transmission.

FDA Takes Key Action in Fight Against COVID-19 By Issuing Emergency Use Authorization for First COVID-19 Vaccine

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