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謠言下面附帶影片,影片中一群猛男在餐廳穿著女生睡衣跳舞。但這其實不在台灣,而是曼谷華馬夜市的猛男海鮮,連結如下: https://youtu.be/gRV3lh3DADU

There is 1 fact-checking reply to the message
Ray mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Ray
別擔心,這不是在台灣,而是曼谷華馬夜市的猛男海鮮喔!youtube 影片連結如下



泰國曼谷華馬夜市猛男海鮮餐廳 | 2018泰國曼谷自由行必去景點 | 猛男海鮮 MV

If you like, please subscribe my channel. thank you! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxYmvAUZnFUAgptz3vVh17A 泰國曼谷華馬夜市 (Hua Mum Night Market, Bangkok) 2018最紅餐廳, 海鮮唔貴, 靚仔肌肉型老闆扮女人, 天天新款衣著, 表情夠姣, 儀態萬千,


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