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SophHSIEH mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by SophHSIEH
目前尚無實證可以證明維生素 C、維生素 D3、鋅、奎寧可以治療、預防 COVID-19。公衛專家指出,重要的影響因素應是國家防疫政策與人民配合度,通常是透過施打疫苗和封鎖等措施控制疫情。





【報告將隨時更新 2021/7/12 版】 一、公衛專家指出,從國家人口健康角度,維生素D缺乏在此次全球疫情中影響非常低,重要因素應是國家防疫政策及人民配合程度,決定該國疫情控制及受疫情影響的程度。 二、公衛專家指出,印度在今年1月到3月期間疫情爆發,主因包括印度變種病毒株影響,以及舉辦人群聚集的宗教活動,使確診個案急劇增加。疫情爆發後,印度政府透過積極施打疫苗、嚴格封鎖等多項管制措施來控制疫情。
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【國際分子矯正醫學會總會 即時新聞稿 ISOM Immediate Press Release 】



(1) 維他命C : 每天3克或以上。
(2) 維他命D3 : 每天125微克(5000IU)持續兩週,兩週之後維持每天50微克(2000IU)
(3) 鋅:每天20毫克
(4) 鎂:每天400毫克(除了氧化鎂之外的形式)
(5) 硒:每天100微克



【ISOM Immediate Press Release 】
 "Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus"

In response to the government's passive measures such as masks, hand washing and going out, government officials from the Canadian headquarters of the International Association of Orthomolecular Medicine, my chairman, issued a statement on how to prevent groundbreaking new coronavirus infection. , Published by nutrition experts in 40 countries, including me.
There is a great deal of clinical evidence that taking supplements to improve the body's antioxidant capacity and immune function can help prevent or reduce the onset of respiratory viral infections.
(1) Vitamin C: 3g or more per day
(2) Vitamin D3: 125 μg (5,000 IU) per day for 2 weeks
維持 After that, keep at 50μg (2,000IU)
(3) Zinc: 20 mg per day
(4) Magnesium: 400 mg per day (other than magnesium oxide)
(5) Selenium: 100 μg / day
In my experience, (1) and (2) alone are sufficient. Please share by all means.
The original text of this statement follows:
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