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vanillam mark this message contains personal perspective
originally written by vanillam
Rumble是由科技企業家克里斯·帕夫洛夫斯基(Chris Pavlovski)於2013年創立,該平台聲稱會使使影片【內容創作者】更容易賺錢,舉例說,如果影片能夠出現在Rumble首頁,【創作者】將可獲得100元(美元、下同)的獎金。

During 2020, they have promoted false and misleading information regarding Covid-19 such as anti-mask propaganda: Masks dont work and heres why. According to science and experts in the field, a mask is essential to slow the spread of Covid-19. Further, during the 2020 Presidential election, they frequently published false videos claiming election fraud such as this HAMMER software fraud in real time. Finally, they also promote conspiracy theories from QAnon such as this Plandemic COVID SCAM – Fall Of Cabal Deep State And Illuminati Globalist Agenda 21 ID2020. In general, the videos published on Rumble are mostly right biased and many are not factual or promote conspiracy theories.

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