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MrOrz mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by MrOrz
所謂「幾個外媒, 包含Times用了一致的標題」,其實只是 Bloomberg 的報導轉載在 Times 而已。

📰 Bloomberg 原始報導是在 2021/6/18 發稿的,而 Times 轉載時有明確寫出稿件來源是 Bloomberg。該標題應視為 Bloomberg 記者的個人解讀,並沒有證據指出這是「民進黨政府在國際發布」的訊息。

📆 7/14 總統府發言人針對外媒標題的「徵召」(recruit)一詞「沒有評論」,並且澄清「兩家企業當初都是『主動』提出疫苗購買計畫,這是不爭的事實。」


2021/6/18 Bloomberg 原始報導,記者:Samson Ellis, Miaojung Lin, Cindy Wang, and Debby Wu
【BNT買到了】《時代》稱鴻海、台積電被「徵召」 傳郭董不爽幕僚回應了

【BNT買到了】《時代》稱鴻海、台積電被「徵召」 傳郭董不爽幕僚回應了

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原來政府在意的只是‘ 面子 ‘ 嗎?!
真沒想到幾個外媒, 包含Times用了一致的標題:
Taiwan Recruits TSMC, Foxconn to Secure BioNTech Vaccines
台灣政府‘ 徵用 ‘了台積電與富士康購買輝瑞疫苗!
沒有真心的感謝 也沒聽見民間感激的聲音
卻在國際發布這是:兩家企業‘ 蒙你徵召 ‘ 完成購買疫苗的使命
這是讓人失望 難以尊重的政府
你的每個用字充滿心機 算計
What do you want to prove to the world !
I’m sorry I have to say it is not true:
TSMC and Foxconn were not ‘ recruited ’ by the government to purchase the vaccines, but on the contrary, each of these two companies ‘ purchased and donated to the government 5 millions BNT vaccines out of their own pocket and out of their compassion to the people of Taiwan who are suffering from serious insufficient supplies of vaccines. However the process wasn’t smooth and easy at all that they almost gave it up at one time ⋯!
The government was not happy to buy from BNT its Asian sole agent in Shanghai so not only they said it is impossible to buy but also make it very difficult for whoever want to help and want to donate vaccines here in Taiwan. For almost two months, as everyone here knows it, that Foxconn has gone through many procedures and submitted numerous documents requested by the government in getting their permission to buy and to donated the vaccines that are desperately in need here ! After much effort and their final request to see the president Tsai in person, plus the pressure from general public here, the government finally agreed to give authorisation to these two companies to buy the BNT vaccines however insisting the vaccines has to send from Germany directly to Taiwan.
My point is the government should not take credit for it but they should apologise to the people that they have not done enough to purchase the vaccines and could have saved more lives of the victims of Covid 19 here in Taiwan!

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