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originally written by Ann
1. 德州確實在9月27日對布拉佐里亞(Brazoria)發布「災難聲明」,並有8個城市收到相關警報。

2. 福氏內格里蟲,俗稱食腦變形蟲(brain-eating amoeba)、福氏阿米巴蟲,儘管十分罕見,但致死率極高。根據美國CDC數據,1962年到2018年間,共有145人被感染,只有4人倖存。


【德州州長辦公室】州長針對在傑克遜湖供水中發現致命阿米巴原蟲事件 對布拉佐里亞(Brazoria)發布災難聲明
Governor Abbott Issues Disaster Declaration For Brazoria County In Response To Deadly Ameba Found In The Lake Jackson Water Supply

【美國CDC】Parasites — Naegleria fowleri — Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM) — Amebic Encephalitis

CNN: 8 Texas cities were alerted to a brain-eating amoeba found in water supply


Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM) - Naegleria fowleri | Parasites | CDC

Education and information about the brain eating ameba Naegleria fowleri that causes encephalitis and death including frequently asked questions, biology, sources of infection, diagnosis, treatment, p

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