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Lopez mark this message contains personal perspective
originally written by Lopez
1. 范清亮博士,化學博士出身,並沒有醫學或藥學專業的背景。其他專業醫師有不同的觀點,詳見[1]
2. 醫生開藥方,有很多考量,得視病人身體狀況而定。譬如說這個處方不見得會用在年輕人身上,因為考慮到 類固醇的後遺症和年輕人的抵抗力,會讓年輕人自己恢復。這個處方也不見得會用在80歲以上虛弱老人身上。
3. 爭議最大的應該是 批准藥方臨時使用的 SOP,每一種新藥除了需要有一個很漂亮的理論外,也一定要有人體測試的規範,來避免可能產生的副作用和後遺症。譬如雞尾酒藥方目前只在中年人測試,老年人測試只有川普一例(應是FDA Compassionate Approval),是否破例提前開放,就像俄國跳過新冠疫苗第三期大規模人體測試,政府逕行批准疫苗使用一樣,是有很大的爭議性的。

Opinion Sources

'That makes no sense': Doctors say Trump is either getting overtreated for the coronavirus, which could be risky, or is more seriously ill than we know
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想知道川普的医療團隊如何医治川普的武漢肺炎嗎? 看完底下的解釋, 我才了解他怎麼三天就可出院.
本文是一位我景仰的台大化學系學長范清亮博士所寫, 他在80年代把快速驗孕棒公司賣給Eli Lilly而成名.
Politics aside, the treatment President Trump got from his medical team is the best so far. It's very important the kind of drugs they used, the sequence of giving these drugs and the timing of each drug given. (1) They gave him Regeneron's antibody cocktail immediately (within 24 hours of diagnosis) and make his body have the same amount of antibody found in recovered patients. Usually it takes 3-4 days or even longer for a healthy person to start generating some antibodies to fight against virus, with Regeneron's antibody cocktail he has plenty of antibody to fight against/kill the virus immediately; (2) Remdesivir is a drug to block coronavirus to replicate, therefore to prevent the virus count from increasing in the body and make antibody now existed in his body less work to do and can clear the virus sooner; (3) When the body's immune system working hard on fighting virus, it also will cause inflammation, when inflammation is out of control it will damage many organs. On the third day, they gave him Dexamethasone (a steroid used to inhibit inflammation) to control/reduce inflammation. Why the doctors gave him Dexamethasone so early, because he already had enough antibody in his body, he did not completely rely on his own immune system to fight the virus, therefore even steroid also will suppress one's immune function, it is still save to use it on the third day. Remember, the type of drugs and sequence of administering them are critical. I hope FDA can approve the Regeneron's or Eli Lilly's antibody cocktail treatment in next few days, so any high risk patient can have the same treatment President Trump got as soon as possible. P.S. I tried to use common language to explain this complicated scenario, hope it is not so confusing. -- Chris Fan

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