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Kobe mark this message contains personal perspective
originally written by Kobe
MaiCoin 的確在台灣成立蠻久的,但是不是最大、規模究竟達到什麼程度,似乎找不到具體數據可以參考。

Opinion Sources

MaiCoin Digital Asset Trading and Wallet Services

MaiCoin 數位資產買賣平台成立於 2014 年,是一個虛擬貨幣代買代售的平台,目前平台支援虛擬貨幣市場三大主流幣﹕BTC (比特幣)︑ETH (以太幣)︑LTC (萊特幣)﹔兩大穩定幣﹕USDT (泰達幣)︑USDC 以及 DeFi 概念幣﹕DAI (Dai)︑LINK (Chainlink)︑PAXG (PAX Gold)︑COMP (Compound)︑MAX︑GRT (The Grap

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