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originally written by Ann
影片中的講者為愛達荷州病理學家Ryan Cole,他已多次發表COVID-19疫苗的錯假訊息。

1. 新冠疫苗產生的刺突蛋白並沒有細胞毒性。

2. 國衛院癌症研究所副所長劉柯俊、耶魯大學公共衛生院流行病學哈維里施教授均表示,目前為止,無論是臨床試驗的追蹤結果或是全世界大規模施打後的觀察,沒有數據或是研究發現接種COVID-19疫苗會導致癌症。


3. 2021年癌症診斷率雖有微幅上升,比率約在5至15%,但德克薩斯大學(UT)西南醫學中心的副主任Sweetenham表示,這種增加是因為許多人擔心在大流行期間前往醫療機構,因而推遲癌症篩查或症狀檢查。實際上年度的癌症診斷數據沒有證據顯示疫苗會致生癌症。


美國病理學家錯誤地聲稱 Covid-19 疫苗會致癌
US pathologist falsely claims Covid-19 vaccines causing cancer

【錯誤】網傳「愛達荷州醫生Ryan Cole說:新冠疫苗會降低人體對抗癌變的T細胞免疫,注定會得到一種癌症...耶魯大學癌症專家,Dr. Harvey Risch 指出這是行醫40年從未見過的癌症數字大爆發!」?


US pathologist falsely claims Covid-19 vaccines causing cancer

Health authorities around the world say the benefits of the Covid-19 vaccines far outweigh the known risks, but a pathologist from the US state of Idaho claims in a series of interviews shared on soci

【錯誤】網傳「愛達荷州醫生Ryan Cole說:新冠疫苗會降低人體對抗癌變的T細胞免疫,注定會得到一種癌症...耶魯大學癌症專家,Dr. Harvey Risch 指出這是行醫40年從未見過的癌症數字大爆發!」?

【報告將隨時更新 2022/1/17版】 一、傳言指稱的愛達荷州醫生萊恩.柯爾(Ryan Cole),有多家查核組織查證過去他曾主張「mRNA 疫苗會導致癌症和自身免疫性疾病」的言論,並證實為錯誤訊息。 二、耶魯大學公共衛生學院流行病學教授哈維.里施(Harvey Risch),其專業為流行病學,並非是癌症領域。查核中心透過電郵向他本人查證,他指出,他從未發表過「行醫40年從未見過的癌症數字大爆發


網傳「mRNA 疫苗技術發明者怒了 後悔打了莫德納」的訊息。流傳訊息來自一段 YouTube 影片,但目前該部影片已經因為違反 YouTube 的社群規範遭到移除。國際事實查核單位和專家皆表示,沒有證據證實新冠疫苗產生的刺突蛋白具有細胞毒性。mRNA 疫苗是透過讓人體細胞產生刺突蛋白,使免疫系統產生
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The spike protein is a toxin. It doesn't matter whether it's J&J, AstraZeneca, Moderna,
Pfizer. They all make your body make a spike protein. That spike protein binds to a tumor
suppressor gene family, P53. It also binds to the breast cancer gene BRCA and the ovarian cancer
gene BRCA. We know that that spike protein can induce cancer pathways. Period. It's happening.
Cancers are on the increase across the board, lymphomas, leukemias, blood cancers, because
that spike goes to the bone marrow. The lipid nanoparticle carries the mRNA to your dividing
stem cells because it doesn't stay in the arm. It can go into any cell in your body and it turns
that cell into a spike factory. It inhibits the ability for your DNA to repair itself.
It binds to our mitochondria. It destroys the energy of our brain cells, destroys the energy
of our liver cells, destroys the energy of any cell it gets into. Your own immune system attacks
those cells. So a lot of people have arthritic pain, muscle pain. It's because those cells are
being attacked by your own immune system because they're expressing this foreign spike protein.
That spike protein causes mechanisms of cancer in many people. And I've been seeing that in the lab.
I've been having it confirmed by oncologists, radiologists, radiation oncologists, pathologists,
all around the world as I travel. It is happening. It's on the uptick. Our military database showed
it until our Department of Defense illegally froze that database and hit the data. This is a crime
against humanity where using a dangerous product on humanity that is harming the human cells,
that is harming the human body, that is harming our hormones, that is harming our reproductive
organs, that is harming any organ where that protein lands. Period.

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