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梁鴻鵬 mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by 梁鴻鵬
以英文關鍵字進行反向搜尋,就可以知道在 2020年 12 月已經有許多國外的網站已經行適時查核與闢謠了

原影片的這些專家所發表的論點很多都含有錯誤訊息,有誤導的嫌疑。舉影片其中的例子,他們認為 mRNA 疫苗如 Moderna 及 Pfizer,施打後會影響自身的 DNA。這真的是笑話,mRNA 疫苗作用機制原理是將一段訊息 RNA 植入人體,使人體細胞產生對應的蛋白,而這裡就是類似病毒的棘蛋白,當這蛋白產生,人體的免疫系統會是為外來物誘發產生抗體,因為提前產生抗體,進而達到預防 COVID-19 的效果。而原本植入的 mRNA 將會在蛋白產生後的幾小時內被裂解。根本不會影響細胞本身的 DNA



AP News

衛福部 疫苗原理

美國 CDC Understanding mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

Video contains a litany of false claims about COVID-19 and vaccines

A recently released 27-minute video is spreading false information about COVID-19, including that the pandemic is a “hoax” that was “orchestrated to make you fearful enough to take the vaccine.” It al

Video contains a litany of false claims about COVID-19 and vaccines

A recently released 27-minute video is spreading false information about COVID-19, including that the pandemic is a “hoax” that was “orchestrated to make you fearful enough to take the vaccine.” It al

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