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MrOrz mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by MrOrz

根據官方 Gmail API 文件,當使用者同意一個 app 存取自己的 Gmail 之後,該 app 可以讀取 email、用使用者的身份寄信、幫信件加上或拿掉標籤、自動建立篩選器等等,但根本就沒有「修改郵件內文」的功能。


Gmail API Guide - Overview

Gmail API reference: Users.messages: modify,可以看到能送的參數就是 label IDs,無法修改信件內文

Gmail API  |  Google Developers

Flexible, RESTful access to Gmail featuresAPI overviewRead and send messages, manage drafts and attachments, search threads and messages, work with labels, setup push notifications, and manage Gmail s

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