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Effie Fang mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Effie Fang



長輩早安圖 受不鳥!那就豪洨說會盜個資吧!

長輩早安圖 受不鳥!那就豪洨說會盜個資吧!

謠言這樣說:王老太太自從兒女孝敬一台智慧型手機後,一躍走在時代的尖端,閒來無事就滑滑LINE當低頭族,一大清早傳些早安貼圖,下午傳些詐騙案例和笑話,晚上再傳健康資訊給朋友和子女、乖孫關心大家。某天她突然接獲訊息,說傳早安貼圖容易被竊取個資或中毒,東森財經台有很多受害者現身說法,嚇得王老太太只敢用打字說早安…… 破解關鍵點:傳早安貼圖、節慶貼圖,會被竊資料或中毒嗎? 當然是假的!這只是一串搞笑「反串
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Notice from Superintendent Ludacre:
Please do not send good morning pictures or videos.
Please read this warning from China in Shanghai International News and send an urgent SOS message to all users (this is the third reminder) Expert advice: Please do not send good morning, good night, or any interesting holiday greetings pictures and videos. According to the report, hackers in China have designed perfect pictures and videos to hide their internal Internet fishing codes, When everyone retweets these images, they will steal personal information from your device. It is reported that more than half a million victims have been deceived. If you want to greet each other, please enter your own text message to protect yourself and your family and friends.
Very important. Remove all previous and future card designs for your own security, pictures and pictures of friends to avoid hackers on the Internet fishing. They contain embedded GIF programs that steal your personal information, credit card numbers, and PIN numbers. Greeting each other, using text or completely homemade pictures, videos. The material that you create is safe.

Please forward to your contacts, so you wont continue to receive pre-made pictures of the morning and daytime greetings!
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