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originally written by Lopi
經查證,本文引用的資訊的卻來自 Nature 期刊 2021/7/1 News:Mix-and-match COVID vaccines: the case is growing, but questions remain. 參考[1]



Mix-and-match COVID vaccines: the case is growing, but questions remain - Nature

A slew of studies suggests that mixing vaccines provokes potent immune responses, but scientists still want answers on real-world efficacy and rare side effects.
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#AZ疫苗 有個 #非常奇怪 的現象,之前讓我不太理解:
明明 #中和抗體的數值不高(疫苗/康復者血清的比值只有0.54,遠低於其他BNT/Moderna/Novavax),然而在真實世界,#AZ的保護力卻超乎預期地好;尤其是 #預防重症 方面,對原株病毒幾乎可達100%。之前也提到過,上個月Nature Medicine「英國同期同地同族群」研究,也證實AZ和BNT的保護力,可說是不相上下。
這暗示一件事情:疫苗的保護力,除了中和抗體,肯定還有 #別的東西。而最有可能的候選人,就是細胞免疫的主角: CD8 Cytotoxic lymphocyte,又稱 killer cell:#殺手T細胞。
就這麼剛好,這個月Nature News,有一篇關於 #疫苗混打 的文章,也提到這個概念。讀完挺興奮,有些段落很值得節錄出來:
1. #AZ疫苗強項在激發T細胞反應,而 #mRNA疫苗強項在激發抗體。
(個人解讀:所以有可能,光是用「#中和抗體效價」,#無法評估AZ 這種病毒載體疫苗的真正效力)
(The Oxford–AstraZeneca vaccine uses a harmless virus called an adenovirus to carry genetic material from SARS-CoV-2 into cells. Vaccines using this technology have a good track record of inducing strong T-cell responses, says Sander, whereas vaccines using messenger RNA, such as Pfizer’s, have proved “exceptionally good” at inducing high levels of antibodies.)
2. #抗體 的強項在於「#預防感染」,而 #T細胞 的強項在於「#感染後預防重症」
(個人解讀:這可能可以解釋,為什麼打AZ最多的英國,最近delta病例激增數萬,但是重症和 #死亡人數依然一片靜悄悄。AZ引發的殺手細胞,可能讓新冠就變成個小感冒了。在未來「變種病毒」甚囂塵上的年代,當中和抗體對這些變種越趨弱勢(這在AZ BNT Moderna都已經被證實),不曉得殺手T細胞的反應會一樣減弱、或仍然寶刀未老?就英國最近的資料來看,我個人傾向後者)
(“Neutralizing antibodies are probably a good surrogate for predicting efficacy,” she says, because they help to prevent viral infection. But T cells, especially ‘killer’ T cells that carry a protein called CD8, protect against severe disease by killing cells that have already been infected.)
3. 在「#免疫功能抑制」的病患,例如器官移植者,促進「#T細胞免疫」的疫苗組合,會是比較優勢的選擇
Combinations that provoke good T-cell responses might be better for people who have had organ transplants and are taking medication to suppress their immune systems, for instance, because their bodies will struggle to produce antibodies. “There are many ways of exploiting this knowledge in a strategic way,” she says.
4. 這篇的主旨,其實是在講混打疫苗的趨勢。看起來有可能,#混打AZ和mRNA疫苗,可以同時 #雙收強化T細胞和B細胞的功效。但一來目前混打的病例還太少,二來真實世界的efficacy還缺乏數據,三來T細胞免疫的測定困難,所以這篇的結論仍然是老調重彈:有希望、可看好,但還要研究證實。

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