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Jace mark this message contains true information
originally written by Jace
此為李光耀在 1980 年 12 月新加坡普選 (General Election, GE) 時的演說,他的確如影中所述出面與罷工的機師協商,但由於是個閉門會議,也無具體紀錄,所以他是否如影片中所說主張要重建新航來迫使機師結束罷工則有待確認。


In 1980, Lee Kuan Yew told SIA pilots’ union he was prepared to ground airline & start over

Back in 1980, Singapore Airlines (SIA) hit a pretty rough patch and its reputation took a bad hit. Profits were down for the airline, it had a dispute with its pilots’ union, and it was accused of sho

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