聽說立陶宛的國會議員PO了一張諷刺六四坦克人的照片,那麼它們應該也要PO 這張照片才對。

以下這段描述是引用自美國大屠殺紀念館(United States Holocaust Memorial Museum),其中一段關於二戰時期立陶宛人與納粹一起合作屠殺猶太人的歷史。

"The Lithuanians carried out violent riots against the Jews both shortly before and immediately after the arrival of German forces. In June and July 1941, detachments of German Einsatzgruppen together with Lithuanian auxiliaries, began murdering the Jews of Lithuania. By the end of August 1941, most Jews in rural Lithuania had been shot. By November 1941, the Germans also massacred most of the Jews who had been concentrated in ghettos in the larger cities. The surviving 40,000 Jews were concentrated in the Vilna, Kovno, Siauliai, and Svencionys ghettos, and in various labor camps in Lithuania. Living conditions were miserable, with severe food shortages, outbreaks of disease, and overcrowding"

"立陶宛人在德國軍隊抵達前不久和抵達後就立即掀起針對猶太人的暴動。 在1941 年 6 月和 7 月,德國納粹黨衛隊在立陶宛人的幫助下,一起開始謀殺立陶宛的猶太人。到 1941 年 8 月底,居住在立陶宛農村的大多數猶太人都被槍殺了。到了 1941 年 11 月,德國人還屠殺了大部分集中在大城市猶太集中區的猶太人。

倖存的 40,000 名猶太人被集中在維爾納、科夫諾、希奧利艾和 Svencionys 集中營,以及分布立陶宛各地的勞動營。生活條件悲慘,糧食嚴重短缺,疾病爆發,人滿為患"

"立陶宛在整個大屠殺期間,德國人總共殺害了大約 90% 的立陶宛猶太人,而這是歐洲受害者死亡比率最高的國家國家之一。"


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