Borders of Israel - Wikipedia
This article is about the borders of the modern State of Israel. For the ancient Halakhic delineation of the borders of the Land of Israel, see Mosaic of Rehob. The modern borders of Israel exist as
This article is about the borders of the modern State of Israel. For the ancient Halakhic delineation of the borders of the Land of Israel, see Mosaic of Rehob. The modern borders of Israel exist as
1947年聯合國大會提議將英國強制巴勒斯坦分為猶太國家和阿拉伯國家的決議 聯合國大會181號決議,即聯合國巴勒斯坦託管地分割方案,於1947年11月29日在聯合國大會通過[2]。該決議提出了兩個臨時國家的建立,一個是猶太國,另一個是阿拉伯國。該決議也建議了區域性經濟共同體的框架,並提出在耶路撒冷成立耶路撒冷獨立個體,委由聯合國治理。 聯合國大會第18
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