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Lopi mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Lopi
(1) 原訪問宣稱新冠肺炎大流行實際上並不存在,只是一個有計畫的騙局。但是沒有提出任何證據,只是一個陰謀論。
(2) 原訪問又宣稱冠疫苗並不存在,只是一個有計畫的騙局。但是沒有提出任何證據,也與絕大部分醫學認知相異,是為假。
(3) 原訪問指控 PCR測試 是騙局的一部分,根本測不出感染新冠肺炎。這部分與絕大部分醫學認知相異,是為假。
(4) 原訪問還指控無症狀感染是捏造的,有感染就有症狀。這部分也是與絕大部分醫學認知相異,是為假。
(5) 可參考 Health Feedback 查證 [1],或 Medica 查證 [2]。


[1] HealthFeedback 查證

[2] Medica 查證

PCR tests are reliable to detect and monitor COVID-19 infections, which are real and have caused millions of deaths worldwide - Health Feedback

COVID-19 is a real pandemic that has caused more than 545,000 excess deaths in the U.S. as of 17 June 2021. PCR tests are a very reliable tool to monitor the spread of the virus because they are highl

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