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Lopez mark this message contains personal perspective
originally written by Lopez
(1) 台灣過去防堵疫情成功,國際上掌聲不斷,並不是沒有讚賞。就像批評有時候會批評過頭,同樣的讚賞有時候也會讚賞過頭。最近時代雜誌對台灣疫情漏洞的評論,就提到台灣曾是“全世界《最被吹捧過頭的》新冠肺炎防疫“ “All it took to break down the world’s MOST VAUNTED COVID-19 defense was a little secret tea.” refer [1]
(2) 政務官為政策負決策的責任,必須就事論事進行辯論,說批評者是為反對而反對,沒有面對議題,規避應該負的行政責任。從政不易,美國杜魯門總統曾告誡他的部屬,《怕熱就別進廚房》(怕被批評就不要從政),成為政壇上的名言。if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen。遊戲規則一向如此,並沒有什麼異常。

Opinion Sources

[1] 時代雜誌:虛假安全感和小茶店,瓦解台灣防疫防線, TIMES: How a False Sense of Security, and a Little Secret Tea, Broke Down Taiwan's COVID-19 Defenses

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