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Coffee consumption and mortality from cardiovascular diseases and total mortality: Does the brewing method matter?

Drinking filter coffee is better for your heart than stove top and French press — and it's even better than no coffee at all, study says

研究:咖啡這麼喝糖尿病風險低60%,死亡風險少15%! | Heho健康

咖啡可以說是全球最受歡迎的飲品之一,上班或上課時來一杯,能夠提神醒腦。不過,咖啡到底是好是壞?也是眾說紛紜。近日研究指出,如果用對沖泡方式,喝咖啡能夠降低 60 % 糖尿病風險,以及 15 % 的死亡風險。 在一項來自瑞典哥德堡大學Dag S. Thelle教授發佈在《European Journal of Preventive Cardiology》上的新研究報告,將咖啡分為兩類:使用濾紙沖泡的

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Drinking filter coffee is better for your heart than stove top and French press — and it's even better than no coffee at all, study says

The healthiest way to brew your coffee involves a filter, according to a recent study in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.According to the study, unfiltered coffee can contain substances
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