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要麵麵不要辣辣 mark this message contains personal perspective
originally written by 要麵麵不要辣辣
部分正確,如果缺氧的感覺還可以忍受的狀況下,Proning 可能有用但卻並不是對全部的人都有用,若已知血氧已降至 90% 或以下,醫療系統未崩潰的情況下也建議先就醫。Proning 可能對有以下情形的病患沒有幫助:
1. 脊椎不穩 (Spinal instability)
2. 不穩定的創傷 (Unstable fractures)
3. 開放性創傷 (Open wounds)
4. 燒傷 (Burns)
5. 氣管手術 (Tracheal surgery)
6. 懷孕,有 24 週以上胎兒 (A baby in utero, over 24+ weeks pregnant)

Opinion Sources

1. are placed in the,are able to tolerate it.

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