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透過google以圖搜圖方式找到這張照片名為:"young nursing mother under American guard proved to be an assistant to her father, a Vietcong "tax collector"

拍攝者是英國攝影記者 Larry Burrows,這張照片於1967 年 1 月 13 日首次發表在《LIFE》雜誌上,當時雜誌為照片撰寫的說明是:After a year of Vietcong occupation, event the least like civilians in Rach Kien -an old man perched on his front stoop, a mother nursing her infant child-are suspect. The townspeople and the newly arrived GIs, according to LIFE Correspondent Maynard Parker, "regard each other with a healthy, unsmiling disrespect" The young mother at left turned out to be the daughter of a Vietcong "tax collector." She had often accompanied her father as he made his rounds, extorting levies from the peasants. She was put under armed guard and held for interrogation. 經過越共一年的佔領,即使看起來最不可能的Rach Kien平民 - 一個坐在門廊的老人和一個正在哺乳的媽媽 - 也有嫌疑。根據《生活》雜誌特派記者Maynard Parker表示:“鎮民和剛抵達的美國大兵以一種健康、不苟言笑的方式互相鄙視對方。” 結果這個年輕的媽媽是越共稅吏的女兒,她經常陪父親巡視,在收稅時勒索農民。她在先前被武裝看守著並接受審問。”(資料:LIFE 雜誌)

1. 照片拍攝於1967年,是在訊問此女性身份後拍攝,感嘆越共嫌疑人無所不在。而網文字描述的“最後一滴奶”事件發生在1972年,且無與美軍有關的證據。因此照片與文字說明的就不可能是同一事件。
2. 以 Nguyen Thi Tu 查詢,出現越南文 Nguyễn Thị Tư 的維基百科,確實寫了一個”最後一滴奶“的故事,提到“保安”的人抓了她,但文中並未提到美軍。
3. Nguyễn Thị Tư的維基百科其中一條目說明:“ Larry Burrows的照片在網路上被誤用於 Nguyen Thi Tu 事件,但攝影師在1971年就過世,所以不可能是那張照片,也不可能是他拍的。” 推測在越南也有這樣的資訊操弄在網路上流傳。



LIFE 雜誌 第27頁

Nguyen Thi Tu 維基百科頁面ễn_Thị_Tư

Nguyễn Thị Tư – Wikipedia tiếng Việt

Bách khoa toàn thư mở Wikipedia Nguyễn Thị Tư là liệt sỹ đã hy sinh trong cuộc kháng chiến chống Mỹ. Bà là nguyên mẫu để cố soạn giả cải lương Trọng Nguyễn - nguyên Chủ tịch Hội văn học - Nghệ t

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