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Pei-Chi Lo mark this message contains personal perspective
originally written by Pei-Chi Lo

Xue Cao等人於2022年4月發表於Nature Communications的研究,分析了232名健康人士和413名COVID-19患者血液檢體中的DNA甲基化,並發現在健康和發展為COVID-19的連續血液樣本中,表觀遺傳衰老、端粒損耗的速度越來越快。



Opinion Sources

Nature Communications-Accelerated biological aging in COVID-19 patients

Front Genet-Longitudinal Study of DNA Methylation and Epigenetic Clocks Prior to and Following Test-Confirmed COVID-19 and mRNA Vaccination

Accelerated biological aging in COVID-19 patients

Nature Communications - Age is a risk factor for SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe disease. Here the authors perform DNA methylation analyses in whole blood from COVID-19 patients using established...

Longitudinal Study of DNA Methylation and Epigenetic Clocks Prior to and Following Test-Confirmed COVID-19 and mRNA Vaccination - PubMed

The host epigenetic landscape rapidly changes during SARS-CoV-2 infection, and evidence suggest that severe COVID-19 is associated with durable scars to the epigenome. Specifically, aberrant DNA methy

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