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蘇飄 mark this message contains true information
originally written by 蘇飄
美國國家衛生院(NIH)握有新冠病毒重要棘蛋白世界專利(US10960070, WO2018081318),藥廠如果生產這款棘蛋白相關製品都必須獲得授權。至2020年12月,NIH已授權世界各國17家以上藥廠對該棘蛋白進行複製生產,台灣的國光生技同樣有獲得相同授權。各藥廠從不同方向製造該棘蛋白,比如Moderna疫苗是注射mRNA進入人體,誘發細胞根據mRNA製造病毒棘蛋白;高端公司是在體外製造現成棘蛋白注入人體,兩家公司是完全不相干。

Adimmune Corporation (國光生技)
The Binding Site Group Ltd.
BioNTech AG (BNT)
ExcellGene SA
Dynavax Technologies
GeoVax, Inc.
GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA
Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corp. (高端疫苗)
Meso Scale Diagnostics, LLC
N4 Pharm UK Limited
Noachis Terra, Inc.
OncoSec Medical Incorporated
ReiThera Srl
RNAceuticals, Inc.
Sanofi Pasteur
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
Vaxess Technologies


US10960070B2 - Prefusion coronavirus spike proteins and their use - Google Patents

Coronavirus S ectodomain trimers stabilized in a prefusion conformation, nucleic acid molecules and vectors encoding these proteins, and methods of their use and production are disclosed. In sev

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