What to Know and Do About Possible Nitrosamines in Your Medication
Concerned that your medications could contain a substance that could potentially lead to cancer? Call FDA, 1-855-543-DRUG. Keep taking your medications.
Concerned that your medications could contain a substance that could potentially lead to cancer? Call FDA, 1-855-543-DRUG. Keep taking your medications.
本文由行政院環境保護署毒物及化學物質局委託,泛科學企劃執行 撰文/陳亭瑋 │ 自由寫手 「隔夜菜反覆加熱可能會致癌?」 「香腸和魷魚一同食用,恐合成人類可能致癌物亞硝胺?」 你也聽過上述的謠言嗎?硝酸鹽和亞硝酸鹽常常與致癌的消息綁在一起,到底它們為何會常常出現在你我的日常飲食中?亞硝酸鹽又真的是好毒好毒的致癌物嗎?我們又該如何面對這樣的流言?在解答這些問題之前,讓我們先從亞硝酸鹽可能的致癌機制談起
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